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Is there a better option for me?

Mortgages should not be set and forget! Refinancing should be your top priority for a number of reasons, including the chance to potentially save thousands of dollars with a better interest rate.


Going it alone can be challenging, but with Pegasus Finance Group by your side refinancing can be easier than ever. We conduct a thorough review of your circumstances and your current home loan, then compare your situation to the best potential offers on the market.


It is highly recommended that you review your home loan at least once a year, or in any of the following circumstances:

  • You've been offered a raise and/or a new position.

  • You've lost your job.

  • You start a family.

  • Your children are financially independent

  • Property values rising or falling

  • Changing interest rates

  • When a fixed rate term is over

Why should I refinance?

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